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DALL·E 2024-01-19 14.30.10 - Create a realistic image of the minimalistic X-Y Matrix Fretb

A Family of Musical Instruments

Digitl  is a neologism formed with the combination of the Latin word Digit (Finger and Number) and the Nahuatl sufix -tl.

Digitl  is an Instrument that combines the Acoustic Energy produced by mechanical Action of Fingers and the Computer-Aided Signal Processing of the transduced Energy.

Music has a strong relation with the Mathematical concepts of Number and Cycle, and Digitl itself is composed of 4 integral parts: 

-- 1 --  Acoustic Interface

-- 2 -- Transducer (Pickup)

-- 3 -- Digital Audio Channels                Transmission

-- 4 -- Processing Software                         (Sound Diffusion)

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The Physical Acoustic Interface captures the Action that produces Sound.

The Electromagnetic Pickup tranduces the sonic energy to an Electric Signal.

The Electric Signal is converted to Digital Data and transmitted to Network 

Computation produces Digital Processing that eventually  will be be converted to Sound in Space.

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DIGITL LOGO_Sarpinsky.jpg





DALL·E 2024-01-19 16.48.13 - Create a realistic image of the minimalistic X-Y Matrix Fretb
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